How  do you market your roofing company? There is more than one way, but you have to know where to start. In this how to guide, we take you through roofing company marketing. Before beginning a marketing campaign for your service company, there are several things you should do. They include: Define your services Before marketing your service company, you should consider defining your services and identify whom you are targeting with the services. For instance, if you offer residential roofing services, your marketing efforts should lean more towards homeowners. If the service is more specific like residential roof replacement and repair, you can try to align your marketing efforts to customers who require these specific services. Your service company could be dealing with commercial roofing, repairs, replacements, etc. In this case, you can try and research your target audience to get several commercial roofing marketing ideas. You can try to address the following. What are their pain points? Can you address them? How do they spend their free time? What is their level of income? What is their education level? What are their buying habits? Marketing becomes easier once you define your services and identify how to use them to satisfy your prospective customers’ needs. Come up with a unique selling proposition You can come up with a marketing hook that shows your prospects how you stand out from other roofing companies. Your selling proposition should convince your clients to choose your services over those of your competitors. When you study your prospects and identify their needs, you can easily come up with a marketing hook that addresses their pain points. For instance, you might find out that more homeowners need eco-friendly roofs. You can center your selling proposition around providing green roofing solutions. Set clear roofing company marketing goals Before investing in a marketing campaign, try to set the goals you want to achieve. You might have short-term or long-term goals. Either way, try to identify those goals to effectively select the right marketing channels and carry out a rewarding campaign. Some of these goals include: Increasing traffic Generating more leads Making more sales Creating brand awareness Boosting your profits Increasing ROI Identify your marketing channels Identify your roofing company marketing channels You might be working on a budget and therefore you can try to identify the most relevant marketing channels that can work for your roofing company. You can try to utilize both traditional and digital marketing channels. Below are some roofing strategies that can work for your service company. Brand your vehicles and apparel You might not have a physical store which could make it difficult to create brand awareness. However, your company can still get recognition through branding. You can use your service vehicle and working attire as roofing marketing materials.  An expert graphic designer can brand your service vehicle and working apparel to market your roofing company. They can include your company’s name, logo, services, and contact. Every time you deliver your services to homeowners or commercial property owners, other prospective customers can discover your company through your vehicle. They can use your contact to make service calls whenever they require any of the services you offer. Print brochures and flyers Some other roofing marketing materials that you can use are brochures and flyers. You can find brochure and flyer templates online. Alternatively, you can hire an expert to create eye-catching brochures and flyers for your service company. They can include the services you offer, your contact, discounts, etc. After printing out these roofing materials, you can hand them out to your clients after delivering a service and request them to contact you in case they require more services. You can also hand them out to other homeowners after delivering roofing services in a particular neighborhood. Create social media accounts Most of your prospective clients are likely to spend their free time browsing through social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. the goal is to create the most relevant accounts that can place your business in front of a wider target audience. Creating social media accounts can also help you keep a close eye on other roofing companies and keep up with digital marketing trends for roofers. Facebook and YouTube have more users compared to other social media channels. You can therefore create social accounts on these platforms. Create a website Most customers search for information and services online and you probably want these customers to find your services and invest in them. A website can help you create an online presence for your business. You can hire a website developer to create a roofing website to increase your brand’s visibility online. They should design your website in a manner that attracts your prospects’ attention. The  developer can add attractive colors and images that blend seamlessly with each other. They should also ensure that your customers can easily navigate through your website to get the information they seek. You can include your company’s logo to set yourself apart from other roofing companies. Your logo can create a lasting imprint in your clients’ memories which can help boost brand awareness. Your website developer should ensure that your website is compatible with multiple devices such as computers and mobile devices. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that are compatible with mobile phones to enhance user experience. You should also check on the responsiveness of your website. Your website should load quickly to avoid losing website visitors since most users get impatient when a website takes too long to load. Optimize your website for search engines This is where you improve your website such that it ranks higher on search engines and you get more website traffic. This website optimization is alternatively known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can optimize your website for search engines by creating high-quality website content. A reliable roofing marketing agency can work on your SEO for you. Some of the content you can create includes: Blog posts